Please make sure to check our below for special event registration, featured products, and announcments
We try our best to stay connected to our students in a variety of ways. Do you follow us on:
Facebook (public): Union UTA Martial Arts
Facebook (public): SAMI Combat Systems of NJ
Facebook (Private): Union UTA Martial Arts/SAMI Union
Instagram: @unionuta
Instagram: @samiunion
Instagram: @coachrobertnichols
twitter: @UnionUTASamiNJ
Tik Tok: @UnionUTASamiNJ
YouTube: Union UTA Martial Arts/Sami Combat systems of NJ
Please help us grow with likes, follows, and sharing. and always tag your pics with #unionuta
Upcoming Events and Reminders
*Feb 22- Candidate Workout 130pm to 3pm
*March 8- Candidate Workout 130pm to 3pm
*March 10-14- Buddy Week
*March 15 & 17- Closed
*March 22- Sparring seminar (jr’s only)
*March 26 & 27- Spring Cleaning Sale
*March 29- Leadership Team Workout 130pm to 3pm
*April 18 & 19- Closed
*April 23- Gear orders for testing due
*April 26- Candidate Workout
*May 1-7- Testing Applications Avail
*May 3- Jr’s Breaking Seminar
*May 7- Essays, Fitness Requirements Due
Purchase Books by our Chief Instructor!
Now available on Amazon, for Kindle, and Audible!
Our Chief Instructor, Robert Nichols is also an author!
His award winning book, “How to Earn a Black belt in…. An Average Guy’s Guide to Life.” is now available in paperback, e-book, and audiobook.
This common-sense book covers topics like parenting, leadership, relationships, and more. All while Robert Nichols shares personal stories on these subjects.
His new book, being released January 2023, "Elite Martial Artists in America," is a co-author book with martial arts legends Stephen K. Hayes and Dana Abbott. Each martial arts master covers a section in relation to Leadership, motivation, and business.
Robert Nichols is also available for speaking engagements, martial arts business consulting, and SAMICS International Seminars. He is available for virtual events and travels the country teaching. Visit the website below for information.

Upcoming Candidate/Black belt Event Dates for the May 2025 Testing
2/5- Book report approval deadline
2/22- Candidate Workout
3/8- Candidate Workout
4/23- Gear orders due
4/26- Candidate Workout
5/1-5/7- Testing applications available
5/7- Deadline for applications, essays, book reports, fitness requirements
5/17- Testing
Sparring & Grappling Seminars for Jr Students
March 22
Sparring 2pm-3pm
Grappling 315pm-415pm
This exciting double seminar will focus on Sparring and Grappling. The 1st hour, get some expert sparring practice with our Sr. Staff at this informative and exciting event. We will focus on quick and effective sparring concepts, usable for both beginner and more advanced students.
Then work on your ground game! Join Mr. Martin and Mr. Moore as they work on your ground game, guiding you through ground basics, positioning, takedowns, and submissions.
Event is open to Green belts and above.

Private Martial Arts lessons Now available
Supplement your online training or even get caught up with in-person private lessons!
Private instruction in a great way to focus on specific material or skill development with a certified instructor. The attention is solely on you.
Personal Training and Fitness
Private one on one training and small group classes are now available by appointment!

- UTA/SAMI UNION Personal Training
- can be that extra kick in the butt to become the best version of you!
Sessions are available to purchase individually or in packages.
Sessions are available BEFORE regular class hours and can be set up for a variety of time slots during the week!
UTA/SAMI UNION Personal Training Program Benefits:
· Customization to your needs
· Available for all fitness levels
· Weight Loss
· Body Fat Reduction
· Strength and Building
· Toning
· Mobility and Flexibility
· Cardiovascular Conditioning
· Diet and Nutrition Tips
· And More!
- Equipment Order Forms
- Our next order for the May exam is Due by April 23rd!
Please stop by the main office if you need assistance in measuring (forms tell you how) or for Cash payment options.
This includes:
- Boards- For practice or heavier breaking
- Sparring equipment for All Orange Testing for Green
- Nunchucks for Jr Purple belts testing for Brown
- Black Belt Candidates
- 1st Degree Probationary Black Belts testing for Decided
- 2nd Degree Candidates
- 3rd degree candidates
Please let us know if you have any questions BEFORE placing your orders.
If you are uncertain if this is a REQUIREMENT for your rank please contact our office.